News & Village Life

3 thoughts on “Latest KCC Road Closure Notices

  1. Dreadful detour on equally dreadful roads with huge pot holes. Had 3 damaged tyres in a month. 2 of which were done at the same time, costing £380.

    The works should not be allowed to happen at the same time. The water issue has been for days so another few days wouldn’t have made a difference to allow the UKPN to so works and vide versa, whichever is most urgent.

    1. Dear A Wallis, Please be assured that EFPC Councillors are working hard with KCC to resolve problems and the EFPC Highways Working Group are in contact with Highways. However, If you would kindly report all problems to KCC Highways – – this helps to substantiate anything that the HWG discuss with Highways.
      Kind regards

  2. I have always reported potholes through the official channels. Normally they have been dealt with promptly, but now it is not the case. There have been serious ones in Vicarage Lane for weeks. Those on Farleigh Hill appear to have been reported numerous times already. Another problem is that lately, when they are attended to, the repair is so poor, it falls out within a short time! Can you clarify, for the benefit of other residents, that if a pothole has previously been notified then damage done to a vehicle is claimable from KCC?

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