
April 2022 Monthly Council Meeting Minutes

Minutes Uploaded on June 16, 2022

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 5th April 2022 @ 7.00pm

In The Old School Hall, Lower Road, East Farleigh

Present:              Steve Shearman (SS)(Vice-Chair), David Hussein (DH), Barry Older (BO),  Adam Palmer (AP)

In attendance: Desiree Home (Clerk), Glyn Charlton (Rec Ground Trustee), Peter Beasley (PB) Speedwatch Rep.

Plus 2 members of the public and no press.

  1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllr Lottie Parfitt-Reid (LPR), Cllrs Alex Fullwood, John Wilson, Angela Howe,      Gina Ashcroft.  Apologies were accepted for the given reasons.

The Clerk was recording the meeting for the Parish Council.


               Cllr SS: EF Primary School & EF Pre-school/EF Rec Grnd

               Several Council Members re Vehicle Operators License Application


Members AGREED that no items required this and is not relevant.


               253.1    The Minutes of the Meeting were APPROVED as a true and accurate record.

               253.2    Matters arising from the minutes not otherwise covered in the agenda: None

  1. PLANNING; Note – Councillors and members of the public can view all Planning matters on the MBC Planning Portal

254.1    To consider any notified Planning Applications since the last meeting;

  • 22/501332/SUB Map Business Centre, Lower Road – Submission of details pursuant to Condition 10 (21/500327/FULL). No comments. It was unanimously agreed that EFPC were happy to concur with the Planning Officers decision.
  • 22/501358/SUB Little Pitchford Dean Street – Submission of details pursuant to condition 6 (21/501229?FULL). No comments. It was unanimously agreed that EFPC were happy to concur with the Planning Officers decision.
  • 22501373/SUB Gallants House Lower Road – Submission of details pursuant to conditions 4,5,6,8 and 9 (21/504422/FULL). No comments. It was unanimously agreed that EFPC were happy to concur with the Planning Officers decision.
  • 22/501168/FULL Land Rear of Barker Cottages New Cut Dean Street – Section 73 application for Minor Material Amendment approved plans (18/504/312/FULL and 15/504242/FULL). No Objections raised.

254.2    To receive notifications of any planning decisions made by MBC since the last meeting:

  • 22/500179/SUB Little Pitchford Dean Street – Refused
  • 22/500090/FULL Pear Tree Cottage St Helen’s Lane – Refused

254.3    To note any information reported to/received from MBC on planning enforcement issues:

  • The report from MBC Planning Enforcement was circulated.




  • Any other planning matters, including late planning applications:
  • Late notification_22/501380/LAWPRO -Haflong Workhouse Lane. This application was considered                       by those Councillors present. It was unanimously agreed that EFPC wish for further                                        clarification of the term “caravan”. If the accommodation is for the purpose of a permanent                     dwelling/separate habitat then EFPC object in the first instance on the grounds of planning in                  the open countryside.
  • Vehicle Operators Licence Ref: OK2053705SN:  It was unanimously agreed that EFPC should raise strong OBJECTION to the granting of this VOL.  Cllr DH is to draft a letter outlining the objections/reasons for objections and, the Clerk is to urgently present EFPC comments to the relevant authority – deadline 7th April 2022.

Action:               Cllr DH/Clerk

  • Noted: MBC Boundary Review – Cllr SW Report

               255.1    To report on any events (ON-LINE seminars etc) attended on behalf of the Council, including                               the Clerk: None.

               255.2    To raise matters reported to them by parishioners:  

  • Road safety issues reported for the Pre-school users on Lower Road and for the EF Primary School users on Vicarage Lane (see item 262.1 below).

               255.3    Any other IMPORTANT/URGENT matters Councillors wish to raise NOT otherwise covered in                  the Agenda;

  • The Clerk reminded Councillors that the next meeting is the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council and distributed/will distribute nomination papers for Chair and Vice Chair and, Declarations of Acceptance of Office for all Councillors.

256.1    To ratify payments made since the last meeting:

  • Direct Debit BC&E People’s Pension £     31
  • Direct Debit Lloyd (EFPC Multipay Card) £   98
  • (includes Zoom subs/123.Reg/EFPC mobile top-up/1st Rescue Defib/
  • Jisc services SID Bluetooth/Hadlum printers /monthly Bank Charge)
  • SO Clerks Salary March 2022 £   00
  • SO Car Park Attendants Salary March 2022 £   00

256.2    The following BACS transfer payments are to be authorised on Unity Trust Internet Banking

 by 2 signatories following the meeting: (Authorisation this month: Cllrs SS & DH)

05042201            Clerks Time Sheet & Expenses March 2022                          £   599.75

Note: See NALC National Salary Award/backdated

05042202            L Owen Time Sheet March 2022                                              £   196.02

05042203            AcuIT – monthly maintenance & backup                             £        1.02

(underpayment of previous invoice 5819)

05042204            AcuIT – monthly maintenance & backup Invoice  6038    £     74.27

05042205            Pearsons Monthly Invoice                                                         £1,830.36

05042206            Quarterly NIC Contributions HMRC                                        £      95.12

05042207            Sandra Field, Caterer (Annual Parish Meeting)                   £   212.50

256.3    Financial Statements

  • To receive the Financial Statements for the period up to 31st March 2022 which represent the state of play at the end of week 52, 2021/22.

256.4    Any Other Financial Matters:

  • Agree Asset Register – It was agreed to add the Traffic Mirror (or Mirrors, if applicable) to the Asset Register and for the Clerk to find out the cost of replacement.
  • Noted: VAT Claim for 6 months from 1st October 2021 to 31st March 2021 £2732.22


  • Noted: Minimum Wage increase from 1st April 2022 (Car Park Attendant) & the Clerk/RFO will review CPA’s monthly Standing Order
  • Noted: NALC National Salary Award – Clerks’ salary backdated to 1st April 2021.

Action:                Clerk/RFO

  1. DEFIBRILLATORS: It was reported that new pads and replacement batteries are needed.  It was agreed       that replacements are to be ordered.  It was also agreed that, when Cllr DH is away on holiday, Cllr SS will      monitor the Defibrillators.

Action:                Clerk/DH

  1. TRAINING; Ongoing. Cllrs are reminded to monitor emails sent from the Clerk regards forthcoming   events.  If there are any events that Cllrs are interested in, please let the Clerk know.

Action:                ALL

  1. FLOOD PLAN (Flood Pod): Nothing to report.
    • Car Park: Nothing to report other than Cllr SS will instruct the Car Park Attendant to lay the remaining stones to fill any holes.
    • Rec Ground: It was reported that the height of the trees needs checking.
    • Play Area: Weekly checks have revealed no hazards.
    • Other Matters:
  • It was reported that the gate sign is broken between the Rec Grnd and the Car Park.
  • It was agreed that the Parish Council wish to go paperless as much as possible. Therefore, Cllr SS will implement an on-line report for Health & Safety checks for the Car Park, Rec Grnd and Play Area.  It will be in the form of an on-line spreadsheet that can be easily accessed.  It was further agreed that all the “tick boxes” on the old H&S reports will be included on the new reporting system and that, the Recreation Ground Trustees will be emailed with updates as necessary.

            Action: Cllr SS

  • Monitoring: Monthly worksheet received.

Action: Clerk


               262.1    Highways Working Group (HWG):

  • The Public Consultation data has been collected and will now be analysed and forwarded to KCC Highways.
  • Cllr DH gave a verbal report of the last HWG meeting. It was attended by Cllrs AF and DH plus two members of the public. HWG will revisit the problems of the sight lines on the junctions of Forge Lane with Vicarage Lane and Dean Street.  Another HWG meeting will be arranged.

Action:                HWG/Cllr SS

  • Highways: Other Matters:
  • The Parish Fault Report was received.
    • Highways KCC – pavements/paths (not prow); Nothing to report.

Action: HWG

  • The Parish Council expressed their concern and dismay at the recent incident when PC James Williams (PC JW) asked a speeding driver to pull over. The driver drove at PC JW causing minor injury and this incident is now the subject of an impending prosecution notice to the registered keeper of the vehicle.  EFPC wished to note their best wishes for PC JW’s recovery and to thank him for his dedication and persistence when carrying out this extra duty.
  • It was further noted that there is now no Speedwatch Scheme and only 3 people have volunteered. Any volunteers will be directed to the online training and when this is complete, they can be added to the GDPR register.  It was noted that a volunteer Co-Ordinator is imperative.  If a minimum of 6 volunteers are forthcoming then once they have completed the online training, a meeting can be arranged and, possibly with PC Alan Watson and Peter Beasley present to answer questions, to also appoint a Co-Ordinator.  The Clerk is to put out another call for Volunteers.
  • It was noted that the Speedwatch equipment is now out of date and new equipment will cost in the region of £4-5,000.

Action: Clerk/PB/ALL

  1. PUBLIC FOOT PATHS/RIGHTS OF WAY (PROW): Nothing to report.
  • Cllr AP reported on the meeting held on 23rd March 2022 to discuss this special occasion/event to be held on Saturday 4th June 2022. EF Primary School and WI attended.  The event will broadly follow previous year’s fete format with a theme “Red, White & Blue”.  Volunteers are needed to help – The WI will provide a tea tent, EF Primary School will be instrumental in administration and Friends of East Farleigh will provide a BBQ and a couple of musical groups have been secured.  It was agreed that the event needs further publicising and further call for volunteers.  Cllr AP is to provide the Clerk with copy for The Grapevine.
  • The Queen’s Green Canopy – Cllr AF is coordinating the tree planting.

Action: ALL

  1. COMMUNICATIONS (Website, emails, etc); Nothing to report.
  • Charity request – deferred until next meeting.

    To note forthcoming absences of Councillors and Clerk. 


               Annual Meeting of the Parish Council Tuesday 3rd May 2022 at 7.00pm in the Old School Hall, Lower Road.


The meeting closed at 8.55pm.