Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 1st December 2020 at 7.00pm Conducted on-line via ZOOM –
Present: Cllrs Glyn Charlton (GC) (Chair) Peter Beasley (PB), Perry O’Callaghan (POC), David Hussein (DH), Alex Fullwood (AF)
In attendance: Desiree Home (Clerk); 2 members of the public
The Clerk was recording the meeting for the Parish Council.
No one else present intended to film, photograph or record any items on the agenda. - 158 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST AND LOBBYING: None
The Committee AGREED that no items required this. - 160 MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE
160.1 The Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on 3rd November 2020 were and signed as a correct record
160.2 Matters arising from the Minutes NOT otherwise covered in the Agenda: None
Note: Cllr AF joined the meeting .
161.1 To consider the following planning applications:
- 20/504957/OUT Kettle Farmhouse Kettle Lane
Brought forward from previous meeting pending comments from residents and extension to comment granted.
Two residents present were asked to put forward their comments.
It was UNANIMOUSLY AGREED to recommend REFUSAL on account of the following Planning Policies: ENV28 Development in the Countryside, plus RS1 and RS3. Further, EFPC wish serious consideration to be given to the extra traffic coming out on to a busy junction.
If MBC Planning are mindful to GRANT, EFPC wish this to go to Committee. - 20/504903/FULL Videons Station Hill
It was noted that there are two neighbour objections to the dormer windows on the grounds of Privacy. EFPC Planning Committee had no Objections and recommend APPROVAL but with a mind to Privacy for neighbouring buildings.
EFPC Planning Committee Agenda December 2020 Page 1
• 20/505463/PNEXT : Bramley House Dean Street
This is a Prior Notification and it was AGREED to take this forward to the next meeting.
161.2 To receive notifications of any planning decisions made by MBC since the last meeting:
- 20/503994/TCA The Limes Lower Road No Objections raised
- 20/504141/FULL Domus Corrodian Priory Close Application REFUSED
161.3 To note any information reported to/received from MBC on planning enforcement issues: None
161.4 Other Planning Matters, including late planning applications and notifications:
• APP/U2235/W/20/3261021: 20/503158/FULL Chapel Nursery Pleasant Valley APPEAL lodged
It was AGREED that the Planning Committee have nothing further to add to the previous consultee submitted comment.
For noting by Clerk and Members. Not for publication - 163 DATE OF NEXT MEETING
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 12th January 2021 at 7pm, to be held on-line whereby link to Zoom meeting will be posted at the top of the published Agenda or, venue to be confirmed if circumstances change.The meeting was closed at 7.21pm.
EFPC Planning Committee Agenda December 2020 Page 2