Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 6th October 2020 at 7.20pm
Zoom Meeting ID: 931 0914 6586
Present: Cllrs Glyn Charlton (GC)(Chair), Peter Beasley (PB), Perry O’Callaghan (POC), Alex Fullwood (AF), Alan White (AW), Lloyd Porter (LP); Brian Dorton (BD); David Hussein (DH)
In attendance: Desiree Home (Clerk); MBC Cllr Richard Webb
PCSO Paul Vasey; Cllr Paulina Stockell
All apologies were accepted
The Clerk was recording the meeting for the Parish Council.
Cllrs LP & AW were recording
Cllrs GC & PB – JBLC & EFRG
Cllr AW – JBLC
Cllr LP – FB & Traffic Calming & lobbying re: EF Vicarage Lane Play Area
Cllr AF – Planning review; Prior Notification Land West of Dean Street
Members AGREED that no items required this and is not relevant.
107 REVIEW OF PLANNING COMMITTEE (See EFPC Planning Committee Minutes October 2020)
- 3 Applications received – 20/504015/FULL MAP Business Centre Lower Road; 20/504141/FULL Domus Corrodian Priory Close;
20/503994/TCA The Limes Lower Road
- Notifications of any planning decisions made by MBC since the last meeting–
20/503158/FULL Chapel Nursery Pleasant Valley Lane REFUSED
20/502771/FULL White Lodge Dean Street REFUSED
- To receive notification of any enforcement issues since the last meeting –
Resident’s report Cull’s Farm bungalows permanent caravan in situ
- Other Planning Matters – 20/504293/AGRIC Prior notification Land West Of Dean Street Dean Street – Agriculture Specialist (Rural Planning Ltd) has reported that it does need full Planning Application so, no discussion is required yet.
- The Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting held on 28th September 2020 were approved and signed as a true and accurate record.
- Matters arising:
- KALC Meeting: KALC notes were forwarded to Councillors
- EFPC Formal Response to MBC re: LPR;
An email from MBC Cllr Lottie Parfitt-Reid was received & circulated. This listed FOUR potential sites (Green sites which have not been designated as SUITABLE or UNSUITABLE) which will affect East Farleigh but it was noted that these will still have to go through Planning Application Processes.
It was UNANIMOUSLY AGREED to reply with the formal letter (copied to all Cllrs) to MBC Councillors, the MBC Strategic Planning Committee and the Interim Local Plan Review (LPR) Director. It was further agreed to attach the formal report prepared by AS Planning on behalf of EFPC in response to the Call for Sites.
Action: Clerk
- Communication with Parishioners:
It was AGREED that information/reports and updates on the LPR should be put on the EFPC Website. Further, it was AGREED that residents should be notified via social media (FB & Next Door) plus The Grapevine monthly newsletter and notice boards that information is available on the Parish Website. Parishioners should be advised to let others know (who do not have Website access) and “spread the word” that there is information available.
Action: DH/ Clerk
- Review any other Call For Sites matters: None
109 MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING held on Tuesday 1st September 2020
109.1 It was agreed that the Minutes of the meeting held on 1st September 2020 are a true and accurate record.
109.2 Matters arising from the minutes NOT otherwise covered in the Agenda:
- Lower Road Drop Curb/Cross-over: No response yet received
- Email problems still occurring: Action – Clerk
110.1 To report on any events (ON-LINE seminars etc) attended on behalf of the Council, including the Clerk:
Cllrs PB & LP attended on line KALC meeting and notes have been already circulated.
110.2 To raise matters reported to them by parishioners:
- It was reported that there have been enquiries regards closure of the EFPC play ground – This is discussed under separate item in Agenda.
- It was reported that the overgrowth has not yet been cut back (No. 1 The Green)
Action: Clerk to follow up with KCC Highways
- The Bull Inn music nuisance – Residents should also report the matter to MBC Environmental Dept.
Action: Clerk to follow up and check if music license is required for live music.
110.3 Any other IMPORTANT/URGENT matters Councillors wish to raise NOT otherwise covered in the Agenda:
- Councillor’s Resignation; EFPC have now been given permission to Co-opt. It was recommended that this should be advertised in The Grapevine, social media and Notice Boards.
111 HEDGE DISPUTE – Legal Matters and subsequent actions:
- It was confirmed that this item was revisited as requested in writing by 3 Councillors, as per EFPC Standing Orders.
The Chairman clarified that all Councillors had received all emails pertaining to this issue and all CONFIRMED they had. It was further reported that at the September EFPC Council Meeting, all AGREED that the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 7th July were a true record. At that meeting there no actions queried and no objections raised. The majority were in agreement that they were in favour of the action subsequently taken upon receipt of solicitor’s advice.
- The Clerk is aware that the Minutes must be more specific and will pay due attention in future. It was further AGREED that Councillors should be careful when reviewing Minutes of meetings.
- All present were asked if they had a telephone conversation with the land owner when said land owner “confronted” our employee in the Car Park. No Councillor confirmed any such communication.
- It was Proposed and Seconded and UNANIMOUSLY AGREED that the resolution of the Council is to put a line under the matter and to go ahead and cut the hedge when the hedge trimmer is repaired.
- The Council AGREED that all Councillors must work together and as a whole.
- Cllr LP was asked to suggest wording for the Minutes regards “Delegated Powers”
Action: Cllr LP/Clerk/ALL
112.1 To ratify payments made since the last meeting;
Standing Order Clerk’s Salary September 2020 £ 600.00
Standing Order Car Park Attendant’s Salary September 2020 £ 136.00
Direct Debit Lloyds Multipay Credit card £ 352.19 includes: Zoom Monthly Sub/Gallagher Aggregates/Monthly bank charge
Direct Debit BC&E People’s Pension £ 59.72
Direct Debit PWLB (Car Park & Traffic Calming)
Interest+Principal £2,379.40
01092007/1Viking Office Supplies(Back order not charged) £ 11.98
01092007/2Viking Office Supplies(Back order not charged) £ 22.67
112.2 To resolve that cheques and BACS transfers presented this month be authorised and signed;
01092001 Clerks Salary & Expenses August 2020 £ 193.92 01092002 L Owen August Time Sheet £ 376.52
01092003 Pearsons Maint contract £ 1652.69
01092004 AcuIT Maintenance & Backup £ 69.90
01092005 Came&Co Insurance Annual Renewal £ 1006.98
01092006 SLCC Annual Subscription £ 140.00
01092007 Viking office supplies £ 31.13
Notes: The Car Park Attendant’s wages include hours offset against the COVID grant received for car park maintenance (aggregate and the spreading of the aggregate).
112.3 To receive the financial statements for the period up to 27th September 2020; These represent the state of play at the end of Week .25, 2020-21
112.4 Any other financial matters
- SLCC: The Clerk moves up one spinal column after a year (from 1st July 2020) and the renumeration will be back dated as per SLCC recommendation.
- Came&Co: Excess not yet received and neither has the extra claim regards the drinking bowl/fountain. It was reported that the Insurance Renewal had to be paid on 1st October 2020 as per schedule.
- It was reported that the ICO DD is now in place and ICO Certificate received.
- The Maidstone Signs Invoice has been received and will be presented to Council with next month’s payments.
- Update if required; none. These will be checked again at the end of next week.
Action: Cllr PB
- KALC Flyer of upcoming on-line events was circulated with Agenda papers.
- KALC On-Line Finance Conference Wednesday 14th October 2020: Please let the Clerk know if you wish to attend.
- On-Line Flood Warden Training: Event circulated with Agenda papers. If anyone is wishing to attend, please let the Clerk know.
Action: ALL
- Update if required; None
- Flood Flash Insurance (Came&Co); This is not applicable to Residential Properties (incl. Clerk’s home office). Clerk is to check own household insurance and if there is an extra premium for home cover of EFPC equipment & documents, then it should be considered. Defer until Clerk has checked household/office insurance cover.
Action: Clerk
- Update: The CWP reported and circulated notes arising from a meeting held on 5th KCC Cantium is no longer going to provide the service as Website host. This is because not enough Council’s have signed up with Cantium. It was reported that to make the Website “accessible” and come into line with Government guidelines, EFPC now need to urgently secure an alternative provider. The CWP recommend NETWISE who were considered prior to signing with Cantium. It was AGREED that the CWP would wait for the KALC response on their meeting with Cantium and then for the CWP to meet again before any action is taken. The Chairman thanked the CWP for their hard work regards this matter.
Action: CWP
- KALC Response: There is a Scheduled KALC Meeting on 7th October 2020. Any KALC response to be on next Agenda.
- Update on car park: Hedge trimmer needs repair and hedge needs cutting. It was AGREED that EFPC should order another delivery of Aggregate. This money is still coming from KCC Members Grant.
Action: Cllr PB/Clerk
- Update on Rec Ground:
It was AGREED to replace the trees that have died.
It was AGREED to accept the quote from Treecycle Ltd to cut back the overhanging Oak branch. This is deemed dangerous and needs urgent attention.
Action: Cllr GC/Clerk
- Update on Play Area: A request was received from The Headteacher EFPS to close the playground as guidelines are being ignored and the playground was closed accordingly. llr Richard Webb reported that MBC will be issuing more guidelines within the next week.
It was AGREED to contact The Headteacher and ascertain the current situation regards overcrowding of the play area and ask if he would be happy to open the playground again. If he is not happy with opening it full time, then a compromise was suggested – close the playground during the week during school term times and open at the weekend. One Councillor offered to open and shut the playground if this is acceptable to the School.
Action: Cllrs GC/PB/LP
- It was reported that the Frog Bin doesn’t need repair but the surface needs treating for moss. It was AGREED that the solution should be ordered and area treated.
Action: Cllr AW
- PSPO MBC endorsed signage about responsible behaviour and clearing up after dogs (specifically relating to fenced and unfenced play areas): It was AGREED that EFPC signs are deemed adequate and no further signage is needed.
- Major Projects/Maintenance/Improvement Plan:
There is no further report requesting a further traffic survey and laying of speed strips. Follow up at next meeting.
Action: Cllr POC/Clerk
- Speedwatch: Nothing to report.
- Lorry Watch Dean Street: KCC Highways have not supplied the requested information on Risk Assessment or Methodology. The Clerk has sent EFPC Insurance documentation and will chase for other required documentation. Upon receipt of these completed forms, Highways will supply signs and hi-viz.
Action: Cllr AF/Clerk
- Highways Reports: “Highways” forms need revision – follow up at next meeting.
Action: Clerk/Cllr GC
- Update: KM43/42 – The Bank is eroded but footpath cannot be altered unless it becomes dangerous and then footpath will be closed. Councillor will chase PROW on the diversion of KM43
Action: Cllr AW
- The Clerk reported to PROW, the ploughed field which was once a pear orchard and where the footpath has not been reinstated. There was a response from PROW. It was AGREED to keep an eye on the path regards what may happen after cultivating as the landowner is obliged to keep the path clear and open to the public.
120 FETE
- Update: None
- The Remembrance Service will go ahead at the Memorial within social distancing guidelines. There will be no refreshments this year. The EFPC Poppy Wreath was purchased for the Chairman to lay at the service and a donation made to the RBL.
Action: ALL
- Update: None
- OSH: Letter received stating that they will not be in a position to move the Marquee/Caravan by the end of the year. As there have been comments referred to the Council regards this matter, EFPC feel they have no option but to follow up on this matter. It was AGREED that further correspondence should be sent confirming what action Enforcement are likely to take.
Action: Cllr GC/Clerk
- Youth Matters Event: All seen, no comment
- What3Words: Advice on usage by Emergency Services. Item for next Agenda.
- To note forthcoming absences of Councillors and Clerk.
- Tuesday 3rd November 2020 @ 7.15pm after the Planning Committee Meeting (Venue or on-line to be advised)
Meeting closed at 9.30pm