
EFPC Meeting Minutes September 2020

Minutes Uploaded on June 30, 2021

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 1st September 2020 at 7.25pm

Zoom Meeting ID: 913 4902 1905


Present:             Cllrs Glyn Charlton (GC)(Chair), Peter Beasley (PB), Perry O’Callaghan (POC), Alex Fullwood (AF), Alan White (AW), Lloyd Porter (LP); Brian Dorton (BD); David Hussein (DH)


In attendance: Desiree Home (Clerk)




               Cllr Jackie King, PCSO Paul Vasey

               All apologies were accepted



The Clerk was recording the meeting for the Parish Council.

Cllr LP was recording



No Interests declared



Members AGREED that no items required this and is not relevant.



               No Planning Applications

               Two Enforcement issues reported.


71          MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING held on Tuesday 7th July 2020

               71.1      It was agreed that the Minutes of the meeting held on 7th July are a true                               and accurate record.

               71.2      Matters arising from the minutes NOT otherwise covered in the Agenda:

                              It was reported that some emails are being received 2 or 3 times and                                     some attachments are not being received.  It was AGREED to check                                 emails and maybe not link the old email address with the new email                                      address to address the problem.

Action:               Clerk



               72.1      To report on any events (ON-LINE seminars etc) attended on behalf of                          the Council, including the Clerk:

                              Cllr AF reported attending an on-line seminar on Website Accessibility. 

                 The feedback will be reported to the CWP and recommendations will be                               brought back to council at another meeting. All present AGREED this                                  action.





               72.2      To raise matters reported to them by parishioners:

  • It was reported that hedges on the corner of Lower Road/Vicarage Lane at No1 The Green are overgrown. It was AGREED that the Clerk should write to the owner of the property to request cutting back of the overgrowth.

Action:                Clerk


  • Traffic Incident on access road to Adelaide Cottages in Lower Road:

                              The “cross-over” has been reported to Enforcement.  Claire Chewter MBC                     will report back on the legality of the cross-over.  It was AGREED to reply                   to the resident              with respect to what Council has done/is doing to limit                 speed at this location.  Further, under “Highways” the Council will be                                            writing to enquire about the repeat of the traffic surveys.  It was                                            reported that “Speedwatch” has been postponed because of the COVID                      situation.

Action:               Clerk/Chairman


               72.3      Any other IMPORTANT/URGENT matters Councillors wish to raise NOT                     otherwise covered in the Agenda

  • Standards of Governance: The integrity of the Parish Council was questioned, particularly noting some items on the Agendas of previous meetings which were then clarified.  Further, it was suggested that the Clerk should be undertaking more training.  It was also suggested that maybe the role should be split between separate RFO and Clerk. 

It was AGREED that the Clerk should undertake more training (within what is allowed under the current COVID restrictions). 

It was further AGREED that the Parish Council believe that EFPC has done it’s best to move in the right direction and do not have anything to reproach ourselves about. 

It was also AGREED that to separate the RFO and Clerk roles in a COVID safe way given the current restrictions would not be possible.  It was AGREED to defer for new Council in May 2021.


73          FINANCE

               73.1      To ratify payments made since the last meeting;

Standing Order Clerk’s Salary August 2020                                £   600.00

Standing Order Car Park Attendant’s Salary August 2020            £   136.00

Direct Debit Lloyds Multipay Credit card                                   £   327.39                        Incl: Zoom Monthly Sub/Hadlum Playground Covid signs/Adv-Batteries/

                        Eventbrite -Web Accessibility Training/Monthly bank charge

Direct Debit BC&E People’s Pension                                         £     61.87

               73.2      To resolve that cheques and BACS transfers presented this month be                                        authorised and signed;

01092001          Clerks Salary & Expenses August 2020              £   193.92                        01092002          L Owen August Time Sheet                               £   376.52

01092003          Pearsons Maint contract                                    £ 1652.69

01092004          AcuIT Maintenance & Backup                           £     69.90

01092005          Came&Co Insurance Annual Renewal                £ 1006.98

01092006          SLCC Annual Subscription                               £   140.00

01092007          Viking office supplies                                       £     31.13



Notes reported:            1)         The Car Park Attendant’s wages include hours offset against                                                 the COVID grant received for car park maintenance                                                        (aggregate and the spreading of the aggregate).

2)         Came&Co claim paid but we are still awaiting payment of                                                 the extra claim for Fountain/Drinking bowl section.

               73.3      To receive the financial statements for the period up to 23rd August                                              2020; These represent the state of play at the end of Week .20, 2020-21

               73.4      Any other financial matters

  • 4.1 To receive the Internal Auditors Report; This was received and AGREED that there were no major issues raised.
  • Review and approve Insurance Renewal; It was proposed, seconded and AGREED approval of Insurance Renewal but to hold payment pending further advice on payment for the extra claim regards the Horse Trough.
  • To receive part-payment insurance claim for Horse Trough (without Fountain/Drinking Bowl claim)
  • Associated works to Village Signs as a result of the Annual Inspection; Signs needed urgent repair as reported in the survey/annual inspection and actioned under delegated powers because some were deemed dangerous. All AGREED that this action was supported under delegated powers.


  • Review and Approve;

All AGREED that this was accurate and needed no further amendment.



  • Update if required; none. These will be checked again within the next week.

Action:               Cllr PB


76          TRAINING

  • KALC Health & Well Being webinars: Thursday 3rd September 2020 and Wednesday 9th September 2020; Please let the Clerk know if any member wishes to attend.
  • NALC has added a further six events to the Rebuilding Communities online event series taking place over the next 18-months. The online event series will bring together national influencers, policy-makers and decision-makers, along with people from across the sector to share ideas and good practice on how to build back stronger and more resilient communities. To find out more about the series and the events below visit

Action:               ALL


  • 15th Sept – KALC Effective Comms & Engagement in a post-lockdown world. The Clerk is attending but please let the Clerk know if anyone else wishes to attend.
  • Clerk is attending the KALC Annual Clerks on-line Conference.


77          FLOOD PLAN

  • Update if required; None


  • Flood Flash Insurance (Came&Co); The quote states that this does not cover residential property. It was AGREED that the Clerk should check whether this will cover the Clerk’s home office (equipment, files etc) within a residential property and report back at the next meeting.

Action:               Clerk



  • Update: There has been no further information from Cantium despite numerous requests.  It was proposed to write to Cantium and KALC to ask what is going on with the Contract.  It was AGREED that the CWP would meet to action this matter and report back at the next meeting.

Action:               CWP



  • Update on car park & hedge dispute: It was reported that the letter from Brachers was sent to the owner of the land (as per their draft letter that was circulated to members).  The Car Park Attendant will be given advice on what he can and can’t do. It was reported that the hedge does need cutting and the hedge trimmer is broken and will need repair.  It was AGREED to send a letter to the Car Park Attendant and get hedge trimmer repaired.

Action:               Cllr PB/Clerk


  • Update on Rec Ground: None
  • Update on Play Area if required (including Playground Inspection): Pearsons report was reviewed and only minor issues that are not immediately actionable were reported.  It was AGREED that for now the surface and the broken frog bin needs checking and Cllr AW to action as necessary.

Action:               Cllr AW


80          HIGHWAYS

  • Major Projects/Maintenance/Improvement Plan: It was AGREED that some speed strips need to put on the roads as they were when the speed survey was taking place.  It was AGREED that there should be a similar survey to that previously done.  It was AGREED to follow up on this matter at the next meeting.

Action:               Cllr POC/Clerk

  • Speedwatch: A report from Highways (Alan Watson) was read out stating that any public facing duties cannot be made totally COVID safe and the risks fall totally with employers.  Therefore, it was AGREED that Speedwatch volunteers would not be totally COVID secure, safe and socially distanced (esp. if confronted by members of the public) in a public facing duty nor can they complete a disclaimer under current Government guidelines.  The Speedwatch can be carried out by/under Police premise because this can be managed under the Police own risk assessment and guidelines.  It was AGREED that for now Speedwatch by Council members and volunteers would be postponed.  It was AGREED that the Clerk should contact Kent Police speed unit with a request that they carry out speed checks in East Farleigh (particularly Dean Street and Lower Road) as has been observed in other surrounding areas.

Action:               Clerk


  • Lorry Watch Dean Street: The Lorry Watch Pack was received.  This requires restrictions similar to Speedwatch.  A Councillor needs to be present at all times and carry out a risk assessment each time.  The sign in Dean Street is not a legal restriction, only an advisory sign.  It was stated by Highways that the Council can still carry out a proper recorded Lorry Watch under guidelines.

Cllr AF volunteered to undertake this with another person (can be a member of the public) and reported this can be carried out within the safety of the grounds of her property.  It was AGREED that Cllr AF should co-ordinate the Lorry Watch.

Action:               Cllr AF


  • Resident’s Request for Traffic Calming: Reply to the resident informing her of the the survey reported approx. 85% of traffic is within the speed limit.  It is important to mention all the attempts that the Council has made to enforce restrictions on Dean Street (and other traffic issues in East Farleigh) and the items that have been implemented.  Speed bumps are not suitable without the required street lighting and this applies to any road.   The moveable SID will be moved the appointed place in Dean Street.

Action:        Clerk/Cllr GC


  • Highways Reports: “Highways” forms need revision.

Action:               Clerk/Cllr GC


81          FOOTPATHS

  • Update: KM43/42 – KCC reports that the paths have already been moved but it appears that this hasn’t physically been done.  It was AGREED that Cllr AW would pursue this matter.

Action:               Cllr AW/Clerk


82          FETE

  • Update: None



  • There is uncertainty at present as to how the service will proceed but it was AGREED that the Clerk should order the Poppy Wreath as in previous years.

Action:               Clerk



  • Review & Update:

It was reported that the Farmers’ Market may move from the village to the car park at The Tickled Trout.

It was raised at the Parish Council that there is concern about the caravan and fencing that is still outside the OSH.  It was AGREED that a letter should be sent to the owners asking for a date when the Caravan, Marquee and Fencing will be removed.

Action:            Cllr GC/Clerk







  • Resident’s email re Dean Street Traffic Calming suggestion – dealt with under “Highways”
  • CPRE Petition – It was AGREED that the Clerk should sign on behalf of the Parish Council and that further, members are at liberty to sign as individuals.

Action:               Clerk/ALL

  • Resignation correspondence received from Cllr Jackie King. It was AGREED that the Clerk will contact the Electoral/Returning Officer for advice on procedures and to take action accordingly.

Action:               Clerk


86          ABSENCES

  • To note forthcoming absences of Councillors and Clerk.



  • Tuesday 6th October 2020 @ 7.15pm after the Planning Committee Meeting (Venue or on-line to be advised)


Meeting closed at 9.20pm