
July 2022 Monthly Council Meeting Minutes

Minutes Uploaded on September 22, 2022


The Pump House Riverside Park, East Farleigh,

Maidstone  ME16 9ND

T: 07999 414712


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 5th July 2022 @ 7.00pm

In The Old School Hall, Lower Road, East Farleigh

Present:              Alex Fullwood (AF)(Chair), Steve Shearman (SS)(Vice-Chair), John Wilson (JW), Adam Palmer (AP), Barry Older (BO), Gina Ashcroft (GA)

In attendance: Desiree Home (Clerk), 8 members of the public

  1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllr David Hussein. Apologies were accepted for the given reasons.

The Clerk was recording the meeting on behalf of the Parish Council.


                 Cllr AF:  Planning interest – Lobbying regards Dean Street issues

Cllr SS: EF Primary School & EF Pre-school/Lobbying from EF Primary School Govenors


Members AGREED that no items required this and is not relevant.

  1. CO-OPTION OF NEW COUNCILLORS: None. There are still 2 vacant Councillor seats on the Parish Council.

                 56.1       The Minutes of the Meeting were APPROVED as a true and accurate record.

                 56.2       Matters arising from the minutes not otherwise covered in the agenda:  None.

  1. PLANNING; Note – Councillors and members of the public can view all Planning matters on the MBC Planning Portal

57.1       To consider any notified Planning Applications since the last meeting;

  • 22/502899/FULL 1 Vicarage Lane – Erection of part single storey, part two storey side extension & front porch. EFPC recommend approval.
  • 22/501688/FULL Lower Gallants – Retrospective application for erection of an equestrian hay barn/store, with office/welfare training area above and installation of EV charging units – It was agreed that Councillors found no reason to object.
  • 22/503015/SUB Bridge Works Farleigh Bridge – Submission of details in relation to LBC 20/505876/LBC – No comments.

57.2      To receive notifications of any planning decisions made by MBC since the last meeting:  None – see late notifications.

57.3       To note any information reported to/received from MBC on planning enforcement issues:  None.

57.4       Any other planning matters, including late planning applications:

  • Golding Homes proposed scheme, Gallants Lane – No Councillors attended the Golding Homes on-line meeting. No further comments until any official Planning Application is received.
  • VOL Application- Lower Gallants: update: It was unanimously agreed that EFPC must respond urgently as large vehicles are already entering and leaving the property, creating damage to the public footpaths. Cllr AF will email Borough & County Councillors and follow up with phone calls.
  • LPR – correspondence from Peter Court Associates: matter closed.
  • Late Planning Decisions: 22/502255/SUB & 22/502356/SUB Horseshoes Riding School – APPROVED

Action: Cllr AF/HWG



  • Health & Safety Policy: This was approved by EFPC at the September 2021 meeting (Item 97) and Councillors agreed that this policy is “fit for purpose”.  It was further agreed that, as accident/incident report books are only legally required in a “work based” environment, then this is not necessary.  It was further noted that the Clerk keeps an on-line and file record of all accidents/incidents, actions taken and outcomes.

                 59.1       To report on any events (ON-LINE seminars etc) attended on behalf of the Council, including                                           the Clerk: None.

                 59.2       To raise matters reported to them by parishioners:  

  • Vicarage Lane Parking: It was agreed that the EFPC Highways Working Group (HWG) will discuss this with Highways.  It was noted that vehicles are contravening the Highway Code and parking too near to a junction.
  • Kilnbridge Close Parking:  It was agreed that this is the same problem as that of parking in Vicarage Lane and the HWG will bring this to the attention of KCC Highways with a view to alleviating the parking problems in the village.

Action: HWG

                 59.3       Any other IMPORTANT/URGENT matters Councillors wish to raise NOT otherwise covered in                    the Agenda;

  • Lorry damage to footpath opp. St Helens on Lower Road – it was agreed that this is possibly the result of the VOL application. EFPC will urgently follow up on this matter when dealing with the VOL (see item 57.4 above).
  • Residents’ emails/complaints re The Bull Inn: There have been very many complaints about the overwhelming noise pollution from outside speakers, music, waste management, closing of the car park causing parking problems in the village and animal management issues.  It was agreed that EFPC will urgently escalate these issues.  Councillors also recommend that residents make official complaints to the relevant MBC department/s to corroborate/support the Parish Council’s reports.

Noise:                         areas/noise

Other issues: (it will require setting up a login with MBC, if you do not already have one):

Alternatively, you may email the following group with any other community issues: 

                 Please Note: When emailing the Community Protection Group, also copy your email to the Lead Member                 for Communities & Public Engagement and MBC Borough Councillor, Cllr Lottie Parfitt-Reid:        

  • Vicarage Lane “wildflower” verges: It was reported that there had been complaints about the overgrown verges and Pearsons had been instructed to cut back.  However, it was agreed that maybe Pearsons had cut back “too hard” in various areas.  The Clerk is to instruct Pearsons to only clear the pathways for access by pedestrians, wheelchair users and prams but to leave as much wildflower borders as possible.
  • It was agreed that the Clerk will publish a notice asking residents to also report any issues direct to the KCC/MBC department/s as necessary.

Action: HWG/Clerk






60.1        To ratify payments made since the last meeting:

  • Direct Debit BC&E People’s Pension £      74
  • Direct Debit Lloyd (EFPC Multipay Card) £    39

                 (Includes Zoom monthly subs/2x SID batteries/Bank Charges)

  • SO Clerks Salary June 2022                                                   £   00
  • SO Car Park Attendants Salary June 2022 £   20

60.2        The following BACS transfer payments are to be authorised on Unity Trust Internet Banking

by 2 signatories following the meeting:

05072201             Hire of Old School Hall for Jubilee Event                     £    250.00

05072202             Pearsons Maintenance Contract                                                £  1830.36

05072203             Clerks Time Sheet & Expenses June 2022                            £    377.09

05072204             L Owen Time Sheet June 2022                                                                   £    329.35

05072205             HMRC Quarterly Payment (Apr-Jun)                                               £      62.96

05072206             AcuIT – monthly maintenance & backup                              £       76.42

05072207             Cllr SS Expenses – padlock x 3                 Rec Grnd Store                  £       36.00

05072208             Kent Police – Operation Scarecrow Inv 1800041502          £  1430.77  (Late invoice)

60.3        To receive the Financial Statements for the period up to 26th June 2022 which represent the state                  of play at the end of week 12, 2022/23

60.4        Any Other Financial Matters (All reports were circulated to Councillors/Rec Ground Trustees where                  necessary):

  • Noted: HMRC Quarterly Return Apr – Jun 2022
  • Noted: Recreation Ground Charities Commission Annual Report 2021.
  • Noted: MBC CIL Report.
  • Internal Auditor’s report: not received yet.
  • Paper/Document disposal company approved for disposal of old EFPC files.
  • Purchase of Roadside Mirror – deferred from last meeting. It was agreed to go ahead, purchase and replace the roadside mirror in question.

Action: Clerk

  1. DEFIBRILLATORS: Cllr AP is checking the 2 village defibrillators whilst Cllr DH is away.

Action: Cllr AP/Cllr DH

  1. TRAINING; Ongoing. Cllrs are reminded to monitor emails sent from the Clerk regards forthcoming                  events.  If there are any events that Cllrs are interested in, please let the Clerk know.

Action:  ALL

  1. FLOOD PLAN (Flood Pod): Nothing to report.

64.1       Car Park:  It was reported that EF Primary School Governors have requested resurfacing the car park to accommodate lined car parking spaces.  EFPC Cllrs agreed that it would be too costly to tarmac the carpark to accommodate this request and, unanimously agreed to go back to KCC Education and the school Governors asking for the school to take responsibility for it.

Action: Cllr SS/Cllr AF

64.2       Recreation Ground:

                 (i)            It was unanimously agreed that the schools request for a new gate between the school and the Rec Ground is approved.

Action: Cllr SS

                 (ii)          It was agreed that the request to move the Football pitch and goal posts slightly further down the rec ground to avoid uneven surface is approved.  It was agreed that Cllr SS will obtain a quote from Landscape Services with an additional request to refurbish the goal posts.

Action: Cllr SS

                                  (iii           It was agreed that the Clerk is to circulate the Rec Ground Charity Trust schedule to                                   members for information.  It was noted that East Farleigh Parish Council is a Trustee of the Rec                            Ground, and the clerk is to investigate whether other named Trustees should be Parish Council                            members.  If the answer is affirmative, then it was proposed and voted that Cllrs SS,GA &JW be                 appointed. 

Action: Clerk

64.3       Play Area:  Cllr GA reported that the cost for the playground refurbishment project would be a maximum of £32,000 but less with revised surfacing.  It was agreed that the project now move to the next step and a public consultation is to be instigated.  The Clerk will investigate whether the Rec Ground Charity funds can be used toward this project.  It was further noted that CIL monies can be used for community projects.

Action: Cllr GA/Cllr SS/Clerk

64.4       Other Matters

  • Recreation ground lane access and gateway: It was agreed that Cllr SS will get “No Parking” and “Keep Access Clear at All Times” signs to avoid this access/gate being blocked by parked vehicles (up to a value of £100).

Action: Cllr SS


                              Monitoring:  Monthly worksheets received.  It was agreed that a meeting with Pearsons representative be                  arranged and go through the worksheets to ascertain exactly what EFPC expect them to do on each item.     It was also requested that Worksheets are sent to the Clerk on a weekly basis.  After which it was proposed                  and agreed that Cllrs AF/BO/AP/GA will make weekly random spot checks.

Action: Clerk/Cllrs AF, BO, AP, GA


66.1        Highways Working Group (HWG):

(i)            It was reported that there has been a change of personnel within KCC Highways, and a new contact appointed.

(ii)           It was reported that the “School” sign is obscured by hedges.  It was approved by Councillors that this is to be moved to a more visible location, as suggested by KCC Highways, as a way of slowing dangerous speeds near the school at no cost to the Parish Council.  Further, the HWG will chase KCC about installing the new speed limit signs because of the public consultation.  EFPC are seeking clarification of the costs.

(iii)          It was agreed that the Clerk is to prepare a Public Information Notice to inform residents of the “CountryEye” app where reports can be made of fly-tipping and unsuitable HGVs using the village roads/lanes

Action: HWG/Clerk

66.2       Highways: Other Matters: The Parish Fault Report was received.

66.3       Highways KCC – pavements/paths (not prow); Nothing to report.

  • The new SIDs batteries have been installed and the SIDs now need repositioning.
  • There is still no working Speedwatch team as not enough volunteers have come forward.

                 The invoice for the latest Operation Scarecrow police deployment was received for payment.  Cllrs agreed                  they wished to see data from Op Scarecrow and further, provided the data showed Op Scarecrow was achieving results and bearing in mind we have no volunteer Speed Watch team, then they are happy for the scheme to go ahead for the next 3 months.

Action: Peter Beasley/ALL

  • To note: Fault Report KM39 (KM338) Ref: 220563013 now rectified.
  1. FETE COMMITTEE: It was reported that the Jubilee celebration was not a profit-making event.  A small loss was made. 
  2. COMMUNICATIONS: Nothing to report
  3. CORRESPONDENCE: It was noted that an email has been received regards speed limits in the village. No further action required.

    To note forthcoming absences of Councillors and Clerk. 


                 Traditionally, there is no EFPC meeting in August.  However, if a meeting is required to discuss any                  URGENT matters, the date will               be Tuesday 2nd August 2022 @ 7.00pm in the Old School Hall, Lower Road.    Otherwise, the next EFPC monthly meeting will be Tuesday 6th September 2022 at 7pm in the Old School                  Hall.


The meeting closed at 9.07pm.