
June 2022 Monthly Council Meeting Minutes

Minutes Uploaded on July 11, 2022

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 14th June 2022 @ 7.00pm

In The Old School Hall, Lower Road, East Farleigh

Present:              Alex Fullwood (AF)(Chair), Steve Shearman (SS)(Vice-Chair), David Hussein (DH), Barry Older (BO), Gina Ashcroft (GA)

In attendance: Desiree Home (Clerk) via Zoom (Meeting ID: 893 0538 9956) because of positive test and illness related to COVID.

  1. ELECTION OF CHAIRPERSON AND DECLARATION OF ACCEPTANCE: It was proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed that Cllr Alex Fullwood be re-elected as Chairperson to EFPC. There were no other nominations.  Cllr AF read aloud and signed her Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
  2. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllr Simon Webb (SW), Cllr Lottie Parfitt-Reid (LPR), Cllr John Wilson (JW). Apologies were accepted for the given reasons.

Cllr AF was recording the meeting on behalf of the Clerk & Parish Council.


Cllr SS: EF Primary School & EF Pre-school/Lobbying from EF Primary School re Rec Grnd Gate (defer until next meeting).

               Cllr AF:  Planning interest – Little Pitchford/Lobbying regards Dean Street


Members AGREED that no items required this and is not relevant.

  1. CO-OPTION OF NEW COUNCILLORS: None. There are still 2 vacant Councillor seats on the Parish Council.

               33.1      The Minutes of the Meeting were APPROVED as a true and accurate record.

               33.2      Matters arising from the minutes not otherwise covered in the agenda:

  • Horsewash Deed: Clerk to follow up and locate the Deed to The Horsewash.
  • Cllr Simon Webb re Grant monies towards speed limit hardware: HWG request Borough Council funding, if available.
  • Highways Survey: Feed back to villagers – HWG to discuss the dissemination of survey results to the village at their next meeting.

Action: Clerk/HWG

  1. PLANNING; Note – Councillors and members of the public can view all Planning matters on the MBC Planning Portal

34.1      To consider any notified Planning Applications since the last meeting;

  • 22/502359/SUB, 22/502358/SUB, 22/502255/SUB, 22/502356/SUB Horseshoes Riding School – Submissions of details – application for the discharge of conditions: EFPC had no observations to make and applications were noted.
  • 22/502429/FULL Redwood Priory Close – Garage Conversion into habitable space: EFPC had no objections and recommend approval.
  • 22/502370/FULL Haflong Workhouse Lane – Erection of single storey front extension: No further observations or comments.

34.2      To receive notifications of any planning decisions made by MBC since the last meeting:  The following Decisions were noted:

  • 22/501380/LAWPRO Haflong Workhouse Lane – Approved
  • 22/501358/SUB Little Pitchford, Dean Street – Approved
  • 22/501168/FULL Land Rear of Barker Cottages New Cut – Granted

34.3       To note any information reported to/received from MBC on planning enforcement issues:

  • The report from MBC Planning Enforcement was circulated.

34.4      Any other planning matters, including late planning applications:

  • Late Planning Decision Notice: 22/501373/SUB Gallants House – Submission of Details: APPROVED.
  • VOL Application: It was noted that Cllr SW has made an objection to the Office of The Traffic Commissioner. It was further reported that lorries are already “coming & going” from the property.  However, the reply to Cllr SW included photos of the WRONG site location/address.

Cllr AF/HWG to follow up on this with Cllr SW as a matter of urgency.

  • Local Plan Review correspondence – Peter Court Associates: Defer until next meeting.

Action: Cllr AF/HWG


35.1      Risk Assessment – Amended to include signature line: APPROVED and signed.

35.2       Asset Register – Amended to include signature line and one pictorial sign (Horsewash): APPROVED and signed.

35.3       Annual Statement on Internal Control: APPROVED and signed.

35.4       Review of Financial Regulations: APPROVED.

35.5       Review of Standing Orders; APPROVED.

35.6       Review EFPC Advertising Policy; APPROVED.


               36.1      To report on any events (ON-LINE seminars etc) attended on behalf of the Council, including                               the Clerk: None.

               36.2      To raise matters reported to them by parishioners:  None.

               36.3      Any other IMPORTANT/URGENT matters Councillors wish to raise NOT otherwise covered in                  the Agenda;

  • Car Park incident: Following the incident (now resolved) in the EFPC village Car Park, it was decided that EFPC need to implement a “Accident/Incident Report Book”. The Car Park Attendant has been given additional instructions on measures to resolve any trip hazards on this particular area (H&S reporting is already carried out weekly).  Clerk to discuss with Cllr JW Review of EFPC Health & Safety Policy.  Defer until next meeting.

Action: Clerk/ Cllr JW

  • Triangle signage/advertising: No further action required, matter closed.

37        FINANCE

37.1       To ratify payments made since the last meeting:

  • Direct Debit BC&E People’s Pension £      24
  • Direct Debit Lloyd (EFPC Multipay Card) £    98

(includes Drinks for APM/Zoom Subs/EFPC Mobile top-up/First Rescue Defib pads/SLCC                                 discount card/monthly fee)  

  • SO Clerks Salary May 2022 £   00
  • SO Car Park Attendants Salary May 2022 £   20

37.2       The following BACS transfer payments are to be authorised on Unity Trust Internet Banking

 by 2 signatories following the meeting: (UTB authorisation this month: Cllrs DH & SS or AP)

07062201            Clerks Time Sheet & Expenses May 2022                              £    357.52

07062202            L Owen Time Sheet May 2022                                                  £    305.60

07062203            AcuIT – monthly maintenance & backup                             £       76.42

07062204            Pearsons Monthly Invoice                                                         £ 1,830.36

07062205            Office Supplies – printer cartridges (Clerk’s Expenses)    £       88.19

07062206            Cllr Adam Palmer expenses – Horse Trough flowers        £       39.14

07062207            Cllr Adam Palmer expenses – Hadlum Printing                  £     100.00

07062208            KALC Training – Dynamic Councillor                                     £       60.00

07062209            Old School Hall Booking – Platinum Jubilee event           £     250.00

37.3       Financial Statements To receive the Financial Statements for the period up to 27th May 2022 which represent the state of play at the end of week 8, 2022/23


37.4       Any Other Financial Matters (All reports circulated to Councillors)

  • Accounts for Councillors year ended 2020/2021: APPROVED and signed.
  • Section 1 of the Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) 2020/2021: APPROVED and signed. Clerk to now submit AGAR to External Auditors, PKF Littlejohn.
  • Section 2: Accounting Statements of the AGAR 2020/2021: APPROVED and signed. Clerk to now submit AGAR to External Auditors, PKF Littlejohn.
  • EMR/Journal entries Tree Fund, Highways Maintenance & Legal & Professional: APPROVED.
  • Internal Auditor’s report not yet received.
  • Purchase of new Roadside Traffic Mirror deferred until next meeting. Clerk to investigate whether KCC Highways originally gave approval and to check insurance company’s response regards whether EFPC is covered by Public Liability if KCC Highways did NOT approve the original installation.

Action: Clerk

  1. DEFIBRILLATORS: Nothing to report.  Cllr SS will implement “on-line” reports for Defib checks.

Action: Cllr SS

  1. TRAINING; Ongoing. Cllrs are reminded to monitor emails sent from the Clerk regards forthcoming   events.  If there are any events that Cllrs are interested in, please let the Clerk know.

Action:  ALL

  1. FLOOD PLAN (Flood Pod): Nothing to report.

41.1&2 Car Park and Rec Ground:  It was reported that new stones may be needed for the Car Park – Cllr SS to review and report at next meeting for approval to purchase of more, if required.

               The Car Park Attendant has been given a new battery for the EFPC Strimmer and has carried out hedge trimming on EFPC side only, as per instructed.

  • Play Area:  The MBC monthly Play Area report was received and circulated to all members.

Only one firm quote has been received so far for equipment refurbishment or replacement. It was further agreed that Cllr GA will look at quotes for resurfacing and recycling some of the existing equipment.

It was AGREED that Cllr AF will look online for purchase of replacement swing and APPROVED that a new swing should be purchased up to the value of £300.  It was agreed that member of EFPC will install the new swing.

Action: Cllrs AF & GA

41.4       Other Matters:

  • H&S check reports: Cllr SS will give H&S reports to the Clerk to scan.  All reports will be forwarded to Trustees as necessary.
  • Cllr SS reported that more copy keys had been cut and will update the Keyholders List and forward this to the Clerk.

            Action: Cllr SS/Clerk

  • Monitoring: Monthly worksheet received and nothing further to report.
  • It was noted that the EFPC Car Park Attendant cuts the grass in the Play Area as it is not on Pearson’s list. He will be instructed to do this soonest as the grass is too long at present.

43.1       Highways Working Group (HWG):  New meeting to be arranged.  It was noted that the following items need to be added to the agenda: Check with KCC Highways the implementation of the speed limit project, report to Highways the damage to cottage in Workhouse Lane (to underline the imperative need to control HGV’s going through the village) and set up a regular monthly meeting.

Action: HWG

43.2      Highways: Other Matters: The Parish Fault Report was received.

43.3       Highways KCC – pavements/paths (not prow); Nothing to report.



  • It was reported that new batteries have been purchased for the SID’s. It was further noted that no more volunteers, or a Coordinator, have stepped forward to join the Village Speedwatch Team. An email from Peter Beasley confirmed that EFPC are covered under the Police Risk Assessment procedure/policy but may wish to implement their own Risk Assessment (Winsley PC have a good Template).  However, as there is no working Speedwatch Team as present, this is deferred until the next meeting.
  • There was no update on Operation Scarecrow.
  • Fault Report KM39 (KM338) Ref: 220563013 – no further information available as to whether rectified or not. Clerk will follow up on this matter.

Action: Clerk

  • EFPC wished to thank and commend the Fete Committee and all the volunteers on an excellent event. It was well attended and appreciated by villagers.
  • Cllr AP will be asked to obtain some photos so that feedback can be provided via EFPC Website and social media.

Action: Cllrs SS/AP/Clerk

  1. COMMUNICATIONS: Nothing to report
  2. CORRESPONDENCE: It was noted that an email has been received regards speed limits in the village. No further action required.

    To note forthcoming absences of Councillors and Clerk. 


               Annual Meeting of the Parish Council Tuesday 5th July 2022 at 7.00pm in the Old School Hall, Lower Road.


The meeting closed at 8.25pm.