
September 2021 Monthly Council Meeting Minutes

Minutes Uploaded on November 9, 2021


The Pump House Riverside Park, East Farleigh,

Maidstone  ME16 9ND

T: 07999 414712


Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 14th September 2021 @ 7.00pm

In The Old School Hall, Lower Road, East Farleigh

Present:                  Cllrs Alex Fullwood (AF)(Vice Chair), Adam Palmer (AP), Steve Shearman (SS), Angela Howe (AH),

                                        Barry Older (BO)

No members of the press or public were present.

In attendance:  Desiree Home (Clerk) MBC Cllr Richard Webb (RW)


  1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllr John Wilson, Cllr David Hussein, Cllr Simon Webb.  Apologies were accepted for the given reasons.



The Clerk was recording the meeting for the Parish Council.



  • Cllr Steve Shearman declared an association with EF Pre-School, EF Primary School & Recreation Ground Trustee



Members AGREED that no items required this and is not relevant.



                    94.1         The Minutes of the Meeting were APPROVED as a true and accurate record.

                    94.2         Matters arising from the minutes not otherwise covered in the Agenda:

  • It was noted that despite being reported, the Forge Lane footpath had still not been cut.


  1. PLANNING; Note – Councillors and members of the public can view all Planning matters on the MBC Planning Portal
    • To consider any notified Planning Applications since the last meeting;
  • 21/504718/TCA East Farleigh House Lower Road Conservation area notification to remove 5 pine trees: EFPC unanimously AGREED to leave the final decision to the MBC Tree Officer.
  • 21/501106/TPOA Mersey Priory Close TPO for tree works: EFPC unanimously AGREED to leave the final decision to the MBC Tree Officer.
  • 21/504422/FULL Gallants House Lower Road – Erection of a single storey front extension to office building:

EFPC AGREED (with one abstaining) to recommend REFUSAL on the following grounds;
* Serious concerns were raised on the number of extra parking bringing more vehicle movement with                more pollution, more traffic congestion and potential for more lorries on an already impacted village road.            EFPC would welcome a Highways Report which, to date, has not been submitted.
* If MBC Planning have a mind to APPROVE this application, then conditions should be applied regards          traffic and, also, Landscaping to reflect the rural environment should be observed.
* Further, if MBC Planning do have a mind to APPROVE this application, EFPC recommend that this goes to     Planning Committee.
* EFPC are also very concerned that although there has been no decision made on this application,              foundations have been laid for the planned workshop and workshop building already commenced              without MBC Planning consent/approved application.



  • APP/U2235/W/21/3271239 Domus Corrodian Priory Close (Appeal – resubmission of 20/502166/FULL);

It was unanimously AGREED that previous EFPC previous comments are valid (EFPC meeting 06/10/2020),       as follows;-
The Application 20/504141/FULL was considered at the East Farleigh Parish Council on-line Planning             Committee meeting on Tuesday 6th October 2020 – extension to comment requested & approved.
It was UNANIMOUSLY AGREED that EFPC recommend REFUSAL in line with Policies SP17, DM1, DM11 and    DM 30 as previous objection. Further, if MBC are minded to approve, then EFPC wish this application to go to MBC Planning Committee

  • To receive notifications of any planning decisions made by MBC since the last meeting:
  • 21/503182/FULL River View The Priory GRANTED
  • 20/505875/FULL The Works Farleigh Bridge – Application Permitted
  • APP/U2235/W/20/3261021 Chapel Nursery Pleasant Valley Lane – Appeal Decision
  • 21/503942/SUB Lilium Workhouse Lane – Application Permitted
    • To note any information reported to/received from MBC on planning enforcements issues:
  • ENF/21/500773/OPFDEV Lower Gallants Lower Road; Awaiting Report from Site Officer.
  • ENF/21/503272/FUL 6 Adelaide Cottages Lower Road – update received. EFPC recommend a site visit and report from Highways.
  • ENF/21/500714 Hideaway Lower Road; Awaiting report.
  • ENF/21/5000033/BOC 2 Mays Cottages – Awaiting response from MBC
  • OSH – Brought forward from item 96.3 (below); Ongoing. EFPC recommend meeting with owners to help progress matters and improve the situation for all concerned.  Clerk to arrange meeting.

95.4         Any other planning matters, including late planning applications: None.



                    96.1         To report on any events (ON-LINE seminars etc) attended on behalf of the Council, including the Clerk:                                                  None.

                    96.2         To raise matters reported to them by parishioners:  

  • Email re speeding Dean Street – The Clerk replied accordingly and all present were happy with the response.
  • The Bull Inn – It was reported that this is a private event, and any disturbance/noise issues are a police matter.
  • Booking System at Tovil Tip – Clerk to respond to the MBC request for consultation. EFPC unanimously agreed that they would support the continuation of the “booking system” but recommend that the Borough Council put more resources into monitoring traffic and fly tipping.

Action:  Clerk

                    96.3         Any other IMPORTANT/URGENT matters Councillors wish to raise NOT otherwise covered in the                                                           Agenda; None.


  • Renew Health & Safety Policy – This was unanimously APPROVED.



98.1       To ratify payments made since the last meeting:

  • Direct Debit BC&E People’s Pension £     67
  • Direct Debit Lloyd (EFPC Multipay Card) £   39

(includes Zoom subs/monthly Bank Charge)

  • SO Clerks Salary August 2021 £   00
  • SO Car Park Attendants Salary 2021 £   00            

98.2       The following BACS transfer payments are to be authorised on Unity Trust Internet Banking

 by 2 signatories following the meeting (This month SS/AP):

14092101            Clerks Time Sheet & Expenses August 2021                        £   236.34

14092102            L Owen Time Sheet July 2021                                                  £   272.58

14092103            Pearsons – monthly contract/works                                      £ 1652.69

14092104            AcuIT – monthly maintenance & backup                             £     69.90

14092105            Viking Office Supplies (2022 Diary/pens/copy paper)       £     41.90

14092106            Kent County Playing Fields Assoc. (Annual Subs)              £     20.00

14092107            Came&Co Insurance Renewal2021/2022                              £ 1357.64

14092108            SLCC Annual Membership                                                        £   144.00

98.3       Financial Statements

  • To receive the Financial Statements for the period up to 5th September 2021 which represent the state of play at the end of week 22, 2020/21

98.4       Any Other Financial Matters:

  • To note: Came & Co Insurance Renewal papers (to support Invoice 14092107 above) – All AGREED to renew. Clerk to investigate why “Mowers & Equipment” has a nil value?

Action:                Clerk

  • Noted: PKF External Auditor Report & Certificate/Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2020-2021
  • Notification of CIL Money – Chapel Nursery Pleasant Valley Lane – Clerk to investigate what and when/how CIL money can be spent.

Action:                Clerk

  • Charities Commission Annual Report – EF Recreation Ground – defer until next meeting.
  • Notification of PWLB repayment due 1st October 2021
  • EFPC Budget 2022/23 – Rialtas Support £200 +VAT – It was unanimously AGREED that if the scheduled refresher from Rialtas Support is not sufficient, then the Clerk may request “one to one” help from the Rialtas Support team if needed at the quoted cost.

Action:                Clerk



                    It was noted that Cllr SS is providing back-up when Cllr DH is absent.  There was no further update required.



               Cllr RW will chase as EFPC have still not received any current data.

Action: MBC Cllr RW



               The following Clerk’s training days/on-line events were APPROVED.

  • SLCC Clerks’ Conference
  • Clerks Virtual Training Day


  1. FLOOD PLAN (Flood Pod); Update not required.



103.1  Car Park

  • Update Car Park Attendant’s Contract of Employment – deferred to next meeting.
  • The EF Primary School Headteacher requested that the white lines be re-painted on the car park. The Council AGREED/APPROVED that Cllrs SS & AP to speak with the Car Park Attendant to carry out the works.

Action:                Cllrs SS/AP

  • It was reported that the fence between the car park and the school has significant hedge overgrowth. It was AGREED that the Car Park Attendant should be instructed to cut back.

Action:                Cllr SS

  • Stones laying – It was agreed that Cllrs SS/AP will liaise with the Car Park Attendant to lay the remaining stones.

Action:                Cllrs SS/AP

  • Car Park Opening/Closing times; It was unanimously AGREED that the Car Park times should remain as 7am to 7pm throughout the year.



  • Rec Ground: It was reported that the side gate entrance is not locked and there are concerns that unauthorized vehicles have access/parking.  Cllr SS to replace the missing drop bolt and purchase      Keys for the lock to be made available to; The Clerk, Car Park Attendant, Cllrs SS & AP,              Landscape Services and the house at the end of the lane that has right of way/access.  Also, Cllr SS         and Clerk to sort out what spare keys are held in the EFPC office.

Action:                Cllr SS/Clerk

  • Play Area; It was reported that all is in good order. No further update required.


  • Monitoring – it was reported that a simple weekly job update had been requested from Pearsons (not the current schedule) but to date this has not happened. Cllr SS chase Pearsons

Action: Cllr SS/Clerk

  • Contract Renewal – The Clerk is to request information from other Parish Clerks to maybe look at alternative maintenance contract before signing a new contract with Pearsons.

Action: Clerk



               105.1     Highways Working Group (HWG): The Monthly Report was received.  No further comments,                                       meeting with KCC Highways has been scheduled for 21st September.

Action:                HWG

105.2     Lorry Watch; This is ongoing and current data will be sent to KCC Highways.

Action:                Cllr AF

105.3    Highways: Other Matters, if any.

  • “Turn Off Engine” signs for waiting traffic – Station Hill – deferred to next meeting.

Action:                Cllr DH

  • Monthly KCC Monthly Parish Fault Report received.
  • Response from KCC Highways re vegetation overgrowth received. The Clerk is to investigate “who is responsible for what” in the village (ie Pearsons/EFPC/KCC etc).  It was noted that KCC have still missed the Forge Lane section between The Walnut Tree and The Old Dairy.

Action: Clerk

               105.4    Highways KCC – pavements/paths (not prow); update – Nothing to report.


  • Monthly Report and “Operation Scarecrow” received/ongoing. New dates to be made available to EFPC.

Action: Peter Beasley


  • Monthly Footpath Report – It was AGREED that there will no longer be an individual Footpath Report each month. It is up to each individual to report any footpath faults direct to PROW via the Fault Report Portal.  If a parishioner reports a fault then the Councillor listed as responsible for that KM numbered footpath will be asked to verify the report.


  1. REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE Sunday 14th November 2021
  • It was AGREED that the Clerk will order the usual Poppy Wreath to be laid at the Memorial after the Service at the Church. Councillors were encouraged to attend. 
  • EFPC wished it noted that thanks are extended to The Rev. Peter Callways for his dedication and service to the Parish, it’s residents and the Diocese. EFPC wish him a very happy retirement.
  • Cllr RW agreed to find out who will replace the Rev. Peter Callways and conduct the Remembrance Day Service.

Action: Cllr RW/ALL/Clerk


  1. COMMUNICATIONS (Website, emails, etc).
  • Community Resilience/Emergency Plans Questionnaire – deferred to next meeting.



  • To note; There is now a new KCC Community Support Warden, James Watson.
  • To note; The current PCSO Megan MacLeod will stay insitu and PCSO James Goodwin will be the contact whilst she is away on leave.
  • A resident had complained that “The Triangle” is very untidy and the trough full of weeds. The Clerk is to contact Pearsons as it is on their schedule to weed/trim/cut back the overhanging tree for this area regularly.  Cllr AP offered to plant the trough and then to look after the plants to enhance the appearance of “The Triangle”.  EFPC thanked Cllr AP for his kind offer and requested that Hi-Viz be worn and safety be observed when carrying out the task.  The Clerk is to reimburse expenses on behalf of EFPC.

Action:                Cllr AP/Clerk



    To note forthcoming absences of Councillors and Clerk.



               Tuesday 5th October 2021 at 7.00pm in the Old School Hall, Lower Road.


The meeting closed at 9pm