
EFPC Extraordinary Meeting September 2020

Minutes Uploaded on June 30, 2021

Minutes of the Parish Council Extraordinary On-Line Meeting

 held on Monday 28th September 2020 at 7pm

Meeting ID: 994 6797 1754

Passcode: 380273


Present:                      Cllrs Glyn Charlton (GC) (Chair), Cllrs Peter Beasley (PB),

                                    Perry O’Callaghan (POC), Alex Fullwood (AF), Alan White (AW),

David Hussein (DH), Brian Dorton (BD), Lloyd Porter (LP),


In attendance:           Desiree Home (Clerk)


88        To receive apologies for absence and to consider whether to approve reasons given.




To ask for notification of whether anyone intends to film, photograph or record any items.

The Clerk was recording for PC records



To receive any declarations of personal or prejudicial interest Members may wish to make, relating to any items on the Agenda and to report lobbying.

Cllr GC declared he had been approached by the Press for EFPC comment.



To agree any items to be dealt with after the public (including the press) have been excluded.



92        CALL FOR SITES

To Consider East Farleigh Parish Council’s response to the Ward specific sites for       Coxheath & Hunton as advised by MBC Councillor – specifically those affecting East Farleigh.

  • Chairman’s Opening Statement

The Chairman welcomed all to the Extraordinary Meeting.  The Chairman                                stated that four sites have been identified as suitable (ie not deemed                             “unsuitable” – although these are not “set in stone” yet). These sites will still                be subject to the procedures and scrutiny of Planning Applications.

The four identified sites are still of major concern and the Chairman asked               each person in attendance, in turn, for their views.



(Cllr AW joined the meeting)


  • EFPC Comments

It was AGREED that each of the four identified sites will impact significantly         on the Village.  Further, the outlying proposed Sites will also adversely affect        East Farleigh, and the concerns raised are;

  1. i) The impact of heavy volume of traffic, through traffic and the speed of extra traffic (note: 2 schools in the village)
  2. ii) Coalescence
  • Impact on Environment, Heritage and village residents
  1. Impact on Services and Utilities
  2. Public Transport and concerns for pedestrians where there are very few footpaths in the village


  • It was AGREED that the ASP Report should be utilised and that EFPC should adopt a robust argument and to prepare their approach against such development.


  • It was AGREED that ‘if’ these sites go to Planning Application stage that, these applications should be accompanied by firm proposals by Planning for traffic help and calming measures for the village.


  • It was AGREED that EFPC should communicate with neighbouring Parishes and that each Parish has good and valid responses for objecting to these proposals. EFPC should be aware of other Parishes stance and support/objections for the proposals as listed.


  • It was further AGREED that EFPC should prepare a response and send a letter for The Chief Executive to pass on as appropriate to make strong     representation of EFPC concerns/objections.

Action:           GC/PB/Clerk


  • KALC On-line Meeting Thursday 1st October 2020

It was AGREED that Cllrs PB & LP will attend.


  • It was AGREED to put “Call for Sites” on the Agenda for the next meeting and review EFPC formal response/letter after any input as a result of the          KALC meeting on Thursday 1st


  • It was further AGREED that Borough Councillors should be asked if they would kindly attend any EFPC on-line meetings.

Action:           Clerk


            92.6     It was AGREED that EFPC should consider how best to communicate the Call                       for Sites update/information to the village residents –                                                           (Grapevine/Website/FB/Next Door app/Notice Boards/Leaflet drop).  This                will be discussed after the EFPC response letter has been produced – Agenda              item for next meeting.






93        ABSENCES

To note forthcoming absences of Councillors and Clerk.




Tuesday 6th October 2020 @ 7.15pm preceded by the Planning Committee Meeting @ 7pm

Via ZOOM conferencing – meeting ID to be published with the Agendas



Meeting closed at 7.55pm