Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 3rd November at 7.15pm
Zoom Meeting ID: 952 3416 7864
Present: Cllrs Glyn Charlton (GC)(Chair), Peter Beasley (PB), Perry O’Callaghan (POC),
Alan White (AW), Lloyd Porter (LP); David Hussein (DH)
In attendance: Desiree Home (Clerk)
PCSO Paul Vasey; Cllr Paulina Stockell; Cllr Alex Fullwood; Cllr Brian Dorton
All apologies were accepted
The Clerk was recording the meeting for the Parish Council.
Cllrs LP & AW were recording
Cllrs GC & PB – JBLC & EFRG
Cllr AW – JBLC
Cllr LP – FB & Traffic Calming & lobbying re: EF Vicarage Lane Play Area
Members AGREED that no items required this and is not relevant.
138 REVIEW OF PLANNING COMMITTEE (See EFPC Planning Committee Minutes October 2020)
- 4 Applications received – 20/504456/FULL Foxcroft Wilsons Lane; 20/504562/FULL Land Rear Of 2 Mays Cottages Adj To Lower Road: 20/504492/FULL Cuckoo Farm Wilsons Lane: 20/504926/FULL Rockwell, New Cut
- Notifications of any planning decisions made by MBC since the last meeting–
Appeal Ref: APP/U2235/W/20/3248387 Alpine, The Priory – APPEAL DISMISSED
20/503793/SUB Land Adj. Hazeldene, Dean Street – APPROVED
20/504293/AGRIC Land West of Dean Street – PRIOR APPROVAL NOT REQUIRED
- To receive notification of any enforcement issues since the last meeting –None
- Other Planning
- No response to EFPC letter sent to MBC Councillors, MBC Strategic Planning Officer. It was noted that the KALC Meeting Agenda has been received for the meeting on 9th November 2020.
- Communication with Parishioners: Information to be made available on EFPC Website, FB & other social media
Action: Clerk
- Review any other Call For Sites matters: None
140 MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING held on Tuesday 6th October 2020
140.1 The Minutes of the meeting held on 6th October 2020 were APPROVED, with the exception of:
- Cllr LP who objected to Items 109.1 and 111 under SO No. 3(s) and requested his non agreement be minuted.
- Item 116, page 4: CWP: Amend statement “It was AGREED that the CWP should go ahead and pursue the contract with NETWISE.” To “It was agreed that CWP would wait for the KALC response on their meeting with Cantium and then for the CWP to meet again before any action is taken”.
140.2 Matters arising from the minutes NOT otherwise covered in the Agenda:
- The Chairman confirmed that KALC Solicitors advice was sought by the Chairman & and it was AGREED that the clarification negated the need for an extra minuted item regarding Delegated Powers (page 3, Item 111).
- Email problems ongoing
Action: Cllr DH/Clerk
141.1 To report on any events (ON-LINE seminars etc) attended on behalf of the Council, including the Clerk:
Clerk attended on-line events: KALC Online Clerks Conference, KALC Webinar Effective Comms & Engagement in a Post-Lockdown World and KALC Online Finance Conference
Cllr POC attended the virtual Flood Warden Training event.
141.2 To raise matters reported to them by parishioners:
- The Bull Inn music nuisance – Residents should also report the matter to MBC Environmental Dept. Not yet actioned
Action: Clerk to follow up and check if music license is required for live music.
141.3 Any other IMPORTANT/URGENT matters Councillors wish to raise NOT otherwise covered in the Agenda:
- Role of the RFO: It was AGREED that the work of the RFO will be assessed and Cllr POC will liaise with the Clerk. It was further AGREED that to help with the RFO role, a 2nd Licence needs to be purchased for the RBS app. (as per information circulated with Council papers – see Item 142.4) and further RBS training provided. Consideration also needs to be given to Banking arrangements but all AGREED that this will stay with the Clerk. There were no objections to the Budget being amended to include RFO duties, if necessary, especially for the new Council after May elections.
Action: Clerk/Cllr POC
142.1 To ratify payments made since the last meeting;
Standing Order Clerk’s Salary October 2020 £ 600.00
Standing Order Car Park Attendant’s Salary October 2020 £ 136.00
Direct Debit Lloyds Multipay Credit card £ 92.39 includes: Zoom Monthly Sub/KALC Finance Training/RBL Poppy Wreath/Monthly bank charge
Direct Debit BC&E People’s Pension £ 74.33
Direct Debit ICO £ 35.00
142.2 To resolve that cheques and BACS transfers presented this month be authorised and signed;
03112001 Clerks Salary & Expenses October 2020 £ 359.78 03112002 L Owen October Time Sheet £ 303.40
03112003 Pearsons Maint contract £ 1652.69
03112004 AcuIT Maintenance & Backup £ 69.90
03112005 Commercial Services Grounds Maint £ 127.49
03112006 Complete Weed Control Application 3 of 3 £ 302.10
03112007 Maidstone Signs Remedial works £ 1998.00
03112008 Brachers Solicitors £ 1212.00
03112009 E-On Qrtly 01/07/20 to 30/09/20 £ 14.86
03112010 Cllr GC Expenses – Printer Ink £ 26.68
03112011 Viking-new paper shredder for Council office £ 53.99
03112012 Viking – Hand sanitiser gel for LOwen £ 33.42
03112013 Viking – PPE for LOwen £ 80.08
142.3 To receive the financial statements for the period up to 27th September 2020; These represent the state of play at the end of Week 25, 2020-21
142.4 Any other financial matters
- To Note Remittance Advice PSS Grant Oct 2020 £ 1,437.50
- Pearsons Quote – Hedge Cutting £350.00 plus VAT – see item 147.1 below
- To receive notification of Insurance Excess payment £250.00
- Updated figures for KCC Members Grants (Car park maintenance & COVID)
- To Note VAT 6 monthly claim submitted
- To Rialtas Fees & charges for information & Budget & possible 2nd user ID (see item 141.3 above)
- Budget 1st Draft – Cllr POC explained the Draft Budget circulated with Agenda papers.
NOTE: Cllr POC left the meeting because of internet access problems.
- All present AGREED that an inflation rise is required 2 per cent increase on the Precept, £8750 from last year’s budget needs to be reduced to £2000 and called “Legal & Professional services” and the rest into contingency.
Budget 2020-21 to be carried forward to next meeting.
- Update if required; none. These will be checked at the weekend.
Action: Cllr PB
- Ongoing
Action: ALL
- Update; All AGREED that this is now the confirmed document and no longer DRAFT.
- Update: The CWP reported that KALC have written to those signed up to Cantium but the KALC meeting has not yet happened so no further information from KALC yet. The Clerk reported that Parish Councils cannot utilise the Cantium “ServiceNow” portal for support – although a “log” for help can be made by phone call. There are problems with the Website. It was AGREED that the CWP will make further enquiries regards a Website host – possibly HUGOFOX as well as NETWISE. Defer decision pending further investigation and item to be carried forward to next meeting.
Action: CWP
147.1 Update on car park: Cllr PB reported all is OK. It was reported that there are some gaps in the hedge. Chairman to provide bare rooted plants as there are some on order.
Pearsons Quote: It was AGREED to get EFPC contractor to carry out the work, as quoted, but to ask them to give good notice so that EFPC may inform the Landowner.
Action: Cllr GC/Clerk
147.2 Update on Rec Ground: It was reported that some trees have died and it was AGREED that the Chairman should order replacements this November.
Action: Cllr GC
EF Primary School Year 4 Balloon Demonstration: It was AGREED to GRANT permission for this event on 20th November 2020 – Users insurance/liability has been received.
147.3 Update on Play Area Vicarage Lane: Following Government advice for Playgrounds to remain open, it was AGREED that all signs should be reinstated and playground in Vicarage Lane should remain open 24/7.
Action: Cllr PB/Clerk to inform EFPS Headteacher
- Major Projects/Maintenance/Improvement Plan:
No response from Highways regarding request for further speed survey. It was suggested and AGREED that EFPC should contact the Traffic Police and ask for support for enforcement for the full length of Lower Road.
Action: Cllr PB/Clerk
- Speedwatch: Nothing to report. Speedwatch is suspended for the time being. SIDs being redeployed to new locations and batteries will be replaced in the next couple of days.
- Lorry Watch Dean Street: Nothing to report
Action: Cllr AF/Clerk
- Highways Reports: “Highways” forms need revision – follow up at next meeting.
Action: Cllr GC/Clerk
- Update: Nothing to report
Action: Cllr AW
150 FETE
- Update: None
- The Chairman reported that there will be no Remembrance Service this year but the Chairman will lay the EFPC Poppy Wreath at the Memorial.
Action: Cllr GC
- Farmers Market Update: This has now resumed in the WI Hall, Forge Lane.
- OSH: It was reported that a letter was delivered by hand following last meetings approval of sending aforesaid letter to explain the possible outcome of Enforcement involvement.
Action: Cllr GC/Clerk
- What3Words: It was reported that this is an extremely useful App (also used by the Emergency Services) and downloading this App is highly recommended.
- Correspondence regards Speeding: It was AGREED that an email be sent informing the resident what further measures are being taken by EFPC (ie contacting the Traffic Police for speed checks) which are in addition to actions already taken.
Action: Cllr GC/Clerk
- To note forthcoming absences of Councillors and Clerk.
- Tuesday 1st December 2020 @ 7.15pm after the Planning Committee Meeting (Venue or on-line to be advised)
Meeting closed at 9.25pm