
March 2021 Monthly Council Meeting Minutes

Minutes Uploaded on April 8, 2021


The Pump House Riverside Park, East Farleigh,

Maidstone  ME16 9ND

T: 07999 414712




Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 2nd March 2021 @ 7.15pm

Zoom Meeting ID: 980 9622 5849         


Present:              Cllrs Glyn Charlton (GC)(Chair); Peter Beasley (PB); Perry O’Callaghan (POC); Alan White (AW);

                              Lloyd Porter (LP); David Hussein (DH); Alex Fullwood (AF)

In attendance: Desiree Home (Clerk); John Wilson (JW)

265        APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE:  Cllr Brian Dorton – apology accepted


The Clerk was recording the meeting for the Parish Council.

Cllrs LP & AW were recording.


  • Cllrs GC & PB – JBLC & EFRG
  • Cllr AW – JBLC
  • Cllr LP – FB & Traffic Calming & lobbying re: EF Vicarage Lane Play Area
  • Cllr DH declared lobbying regards Gallants Lane Memorial & rose bush in memory of Paul Dunmill – it was agreed to take this forward as an Agenda item for the next meeting.


Members AGREED that no items required this and is not relevant.

269        REVIEW OF PLANNING COMMITTEE (See EFPC Planning Committee Minutes March 2021)

  • To consider the following planning applications:

3 Applications received:  21/500337/FULL Victoria Inn Heath Road; 21/500431/SUB 2 Mays Cottages St Helens Lane; 21/500703/HEDGE Court Lodge Farm Forge Lane

  • To receive notifications of any planning decisions made by MBC since the last meeting:

20/505970/LAWPRO Domus Corrodian Priory Close  REFUSED; 20/505620/FULL Orchard Cottage      Dean Street GRANTED; 20/505798/LBC 6 Adelaide Cottages Lower Road GRANTED;

20/505486/FULL Former Water Pumphouse at Corner of Dean Street & Workhouse Lane GRANTED;        20506074/SUB Victoria Inn Heath Road Part A–APPROVED with Conditions/Part B– REFUSED;           15/503455/TPO Cherry Lodge Priory Close REFUSED CONSENT.

  • To receive notification of any enforcement issues since the last meeting:

All current enforcement issues are ongoing or under investigation.  No further information.

  • Other Planning:

               Decisions received late, as follows, and reported at the meeting: 20/505890/LBC Oaklands Lower           Road GRANTED with conditions; 20/506118/FULL Frith Farm Cottage Dean Street; GRANTED with          conditions

270        CALL FOR SITES

  • LPR Matters: None.

271        MINUTES OF THE EXTRAORDINARY PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held on Tuesday 16th February 2021.

               The Minutes of the Meeting were APPROVED as a true and accurate record.

272        MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING held on Tuesday 2nd February 2021.

               272.1    The Minutes of the meeting were APPROVED as a true and accurate record.

               272.2    Matters arising from the minutes NOT otherwise covered in the Agenda:

  • It was confirmed that the signs put up at various locations around the village are indeed A3.
  • There was an error on Monthly dates for Clerk & Car Park Attendants’ wages – to be rectified.


               273.1    To report on any events (ON-LINE seminars etc) attended on behalf of the Council,                                    including the Clerk:

  • Cllr PB attended an on-line Flood Warden training event and is awaiting the necessary hi-viz vest.

               273.2    To raise matters reported to them by parishioners: None

               273.3    Any other IMPORTANT/URGENT matters Councillors wish to raise NOT otherwise covered                       in the Agenda:

  • There was a Cllr request to reconsider the change of Council name from Parish Council to something like “Community Council”. It was unanimously AGREED that as Councillors are the guardians and elected to look after the Parish/Village, and it being a 100 year old heritage that, the proposal is withdrawn.


  • At the time of the meeting the Clerk is awaiting information and copies of the Election Schedule and Nomination papers. These will be distributed when received.

Action: Clerk

  • It was AGREED to add a “Leaflet” to go with the Chairman’s Report to call for candidates to step forward for Election. This and the Chairman’s Report will be delivered to households in the village.
  • It was AGREED to look at asking parishioners/residents if they wish to be updated on Council/parish matters via email. To conform to GDPR regulations, they would need to give consent to EFPC holding the email addresses to send relevant information/updates.

Action: CWP


  • It was AGREED to combine the APM with a “Meet the Councillors” session to allow interested potential candidates to see what being a Councillor involves. It was unanimously AGREED to bring the APM date forward to 30th March 2021.
  • The Annual Meeting is a set date after the Elections.
  • It was AGREED to write to Helen Grant MP requesting clarification regards resuming “face to face” meetings. Several Councillors are concerned about being forced into meeting in person when they still fall within the “vulnerable” category.

Action: CLERK/GC

276        FINANCE

               276.1    To ratify payments made since the last meeting:

                              Standing Order Clerk’s Salary February 2021                                                   £   600.00

Standing Order Car Park Attendant’s Salary February 2021                         £   136.00

Direct Debit Lloyds Multipay Credit card                                                            £     46.17                                                  includes:  123Reg Subs/Zoom monthly charge/Monthly Bank Charge 

                                        Direct Debit BC&E People’s Pension                                                                    £     77.47

276.2    To resolve that cheques and BACS transfers presented this month be authorised and signed:

                              (Cllrs DH/AW)

02032101            Clerks Salary & Expenses February 2020                              £   337.38                                                02032102            L Owen February Time Sheet                                                  £   238.88

02032103            Pearsons Maint contract                                                           £ 1652.69

02032104            AcuIT Maintenance & Backup                                                  £     69.90

02032105            Cllr GC Chairman’s Exp – Postman Donation                      £     50.00                                                        02032106            KALC training event-Planning Conference (Cllr AF)               £     60.00

02032107            Brachers Inv for legal service (Hedge Cutting)                           £   805.20

               276.3    To receive the financial statements for the period up to 21st February 2021.

                              These represent the state of play at the end of Week 46, 2020-21

  • Any other financial matters:
  • Section 137 Grants were AGREED as follows:

                              02032108            Farleigh’s WI                                                                                 £  100.00

02032109            First East Farleigh Brownies                                                    £  100.00

02032110            Kent Air Ambulance                                                                    £  100.00

02032111            East Farleigh Pre-School                                                           £  100.00

02032112            West Farleigh Youth Football Club                                         £  100.00

02032113            Heart of Kent Hospice                                                                £  100.00

02032114            Porchlight                                                                                      £  100.00

02032115            Kenward Trust                                                                             £    50.00

02032116            Blackthorn Trust                                                                         £    50.00

  • Agreed/approved: Membership Renewal of Action with Communities

 in Rural Kent 1st Apr21 to 31st Mar 2022                                             £    80.00

  • Agreed/approved: Complete Weed Control Annual Order     £  30

(3 applications @ £265 per application)                                              

  • To note: Receipt of Yearly Horsewash Rent (1st Feb 2021)     £2000.00
  • All Ok but dressings and wipes need replacing.

Action: PB         

  • No update received.

279        TRAINING

  • The Clerk has a booked on-line session for RBS/Rialtas Year End training
  • Ongoing

Action: ALL

280        FLOOD PLAN

  • Cllr PB attended an on-line Flood Training event. It was further noted that the Flood Pod needs contents checking.

Action: Cllr DH


  • It was AGREED that the new website will be launched on 8th March 2021.
  • The Accessibility Statement was circulated, AGREED and APPROVED.
  • CWP are still working on the Compliance ICO check list.
  • The Welcome Statement was drafted and the wording was discussed.
  • Clerk has set up the FaceBook Feed.

Action: CWP

(JW left the meeting)


      282.1    Update on car park:

  • Hedge Cutting: The solicitor’s letter was circulated and it was AGREED that any Agreement should be an interim contract and not noted on the Deeds.  Proposal: To employ the services of Brachers to draw up the letter/agreement.  Agreed with one Councillor abstaining.

The Chairman will contact the land owner to clarify one or two points before giving the “go ahead” to the Solicitors.

Action:                Cllr GC/Clerk

  • Update on Rec Ground: None.

282.3    Update on Play Area Vicarage Lane:

  • Awaiting quote from Pearsons for recommended repairs to play area surface and equipment. Take forward to next meeting.

Action:                Clerk

283        HIGHWAYS

283.1     Major Projects/Maintenance/Improvement Plan:

  • Monthly reports were noted.
  • It was confirmed that there is a meeting arranged with Highways and the HIP has been updated. All Councillors should urgently look again at the HIP and forward any items deemed “priority” to take to the Highways meeting.

Action:                GC/POC/PB

               283.2    Speedwatch Update:

  • A survey was done to ascertain process and procedures for future Speedwatch operations. Still on hold because of COVID restrictions.
  • A schedule for Police Traffic Checks has been received. Speedwatch sites will be recommended with police advice on suitability. 

Action:                PB

               283.3    Highways: Other Matters:

  • Lorry Watch: still on hold because of COVID.
  • Village Pavements: Cllr GC has spoken with Claire Chewter regards “cutting back” and Highways have agreed to do this. It was reported that Cllr Lottie Parfitt-Reid has done some work to pavements. Further, to check on overgrowth blocking pavements & narrow roads. Clerk to check on progress.  It was AGREED that this matter to be added to Agenda for Highways meeting. 
  • It was AGREED that there are several areas in the Village that need to be dealt with regards overgrowth. The Clerk and Cllr GC will deal with contacting the landowners or reporting via the Highways portal if necessary.

Action:                GC/POC/AW/Clerk

284        FOOTPATHS – Update, if any: None

285        OLD SCHOOL HALL – Update, if any: None

286       FETE – Update, if any: None.

287       CORRESPONDENCE, if any:  None

288       ABSENCES:  To note forthcoming absences of Councillors and Clerk.


  • Annual Parish Meeting 30th March 2021 7.30pm via ZOOM
  • Parish Council Meeting Tuesday 6th April 2021 @ 7.15pm after the Planning Committee Meeting via ZOOM

Meeting closed at 9.06pm