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2 thoughts on “COUNTRY EYE APP

  1. Good morning. There seems to be inadequate signage preventing cars travelling down Dean Street towards Tovil. The road is closed just before Oakwood Cars, the postcode of the area is ME15 0PR. Cars, buses, lorries are not being stopped before Workhouse Lane, so continuing on down Dean Street and having to either u -turn or reverse up, which I saw a bus have to reverse up about an eighth of a Mike, with all traffic reversing behind, where it had to turn into our neighbours farm to go back towards Coxheath. This is a very dangerous scenario. Please can someone take action to make it safe.

    1. Dear Deborah Abbott, Please be assured that EFPC Councillors are working hard with KCC to resolve problems and the EFPC Highways Working Group are in contact with Highways. However, If you would kindly report all problems to KCC Highways – – this helps to substantiate anything that the HWG discuss with Highways.
      Kind regards

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